Posts Tagged: thread

network pc monitors

Interesting Java Jersey + RxJava finding

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It so happens that in a few of the apps I work on here in Netflix we use Jersey libraries inside a Tomcat container. As such I use the JSR annotations a lot safe in the knowledge that Jersey will take care of all the plumbing work and deal with routing and serialization/deserialization so I […]

RxJava: Some Usage of

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Here’s  classic problem when dealing with a web app: you get a HTTP request to your app with a set of parameters. You need to hit a datastore to retrieve some record based on those parameters. You also need to create a (log?) entry somewhere about receiving this call — whether it’s for monitoring purposes […]

Please Stop Using Thread.sleep() in Java!

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Ok, I need a good moan about this to the extent that it deserves its own blog post, but I had it with the bloody Thread.sleep() method in Java! I know it was the only way to “sleep” back in the day but seriously, but seriously, we have TimeUnit since JDK 1.5 — and nowadays […]

JAX London Logo

Of Java Streams … Again!

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I just went again through this JAX London write-up (read more here: and thought it was worth some more thoughts from me. As you might recall, I have touched before on the subject of Java 8 streams in this blog post back in Sep/2014. The thing that puzzled me back then was the fact […]

Java 8 Accumulators and Adders

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If you’ve been using Java for a while now, then like me, you must have saluted the move quite a while back in JDK 1.5 to introduce the atomic classes (AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean and so on). They were a big step forward, away from the clunkyness of having to create ridiculous bottlenecks in the code for […]

Play Framework

About the Play! Framework and Their Thread Pooling

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This is a rather interesting find and I’m still looking into it — so hopefully will come back with more insights on it — but I thought I’d publish these things as I find them. So bear with me as I unravel this mistery — as of right now, unless I’m looking in the wrong […]