Monthly Archives: January 2012


Lake Tahoe 28/Jan/2012

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With my being in California, and Denis Lowe in my ear going on about Tahoe, it had to happen in the end: I took to Lake Tahoe this weekend and made my joined the ranks of snowboarders — snowboarding is awesome by the way! And Denis proved to be a pretty good teacher to be […]


Joke of the Day: Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar walks into a bar. “I’ll have a Martinus” he asks the bartender. The bartender looks at him puzzled: “Do you mean Martini???” “Look”, says Julius Caesar pissed off, “if I wanted a double, I would have asked for it!”    

Get Your Geek — Funny Advertising

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I know that by posting this I am in fact providing free advertising to this site, which I saw advertised recently on the net, but had to share this screenshot as I thought it’s hilarious! I heard previously of “specialized dating” — from married people seeking extra-marital affairs (ahem!) to “positive dating” (no comment) and […]

Maven Checkstyle Plugin — Usage

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The title might not be the best, I’ll give you this, however, having just spent some time trying to get Checkstyle to run in the site phase of one of my maven projects I have figured out that a lot of the resources you find out there miss out a few important details. So if […]

Running Tomcat on Port 80 on a Mac — shell script

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If you’ve been messing about with Tomcat on a Mac OS X, you probably came across the problem of not being able to run the damn Tomcat on port 80. This to many won’t come as a problem, as in most cases port 8080 works fine for local development/testing. However, I found out that this […]

Advertising or Information?

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This goes out to all you ad skeptics out there who bang on about how useless the internet advertising is and how it should be banned / destroyed / 101’d etc: it is sad that not often advertising is delivered as a complement to the content being viewed, and as such it doesn’t come across […]

The Sad State of Banking

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OK, I’ll give you the fact that this is a pretty bold title! I’m not going to talk about the state of banks per se though, why are they struggling in the current climate and/or falling over — I am simply going to talk about the way the banks employees feel about working there (I […]

With My Niece in a Supermarket

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This was taken in Constanta, Romania — went shopping and my niece wanted to go for a “ride” on one of the animals the supermarket had in the kids section. She didn’t want a dinosaur, or a lion, or a horse — nope! She wanted a pig! More specifically: Pippa Pig, according to her 🙂

Piccadilly Circus, London, Christmas 2011

Piccadilly Circus this Xmas

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It’s come to that time of the year when I’m downloading pictures from my phone and start finally uploading them here 🙂 These ones were taken in Piccadilly Circus, Christmas 2011…