Monthly Archives: August 2013

Script to Quickly Create a Java Spring MVC Project

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I’ve been (a bit) frustrated recently with the lack of support for quickly creating a Spring MVC project skeleton — there seems to be some maven archetypes but most of them I found to either not be maintained for a while and/or they install so much stuff that I decided not to use them. All […]

Just a Thought: Tutorials and Twitter

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This has come to my attention after looking at a few tutorials on various frameworks and technologies over the last 2-3 weeks or so. (As you might have learned, us, developers, look at “stuff” like this on a daily basis — since it’s still us, developers, who keep inventing new such “stuff” 🙂 ) Anyhoo […]

HowAboutWe Firefox Add-on

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Ok, so you might have seen the previous howaboutwe / Twitter project I spawned off the other day and blogged about here — and I thought since I’m not actively using howaboutwe anymore, but still found myself with a paid membership for a few more weeks, how about I (ahem! :D) play a bit more […]

Implications of Blocking 3rd Party Cookies?

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Now that I wrote the previous post about blocking 3rd party cookies and the (famous) Firefox release which triggered my reaction, I keep thinking about where is the online world going from here. I know a few groups in the industry are working on various approaches but I’m constantly being followed by one idea which […]

PES Screenshot

Product Idea: Connect My PES to Twitter

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Little is known perhaps about my relative addiction to Pro Evolution Soccer from Konami on Nintendo Wii. I’ve been a Wii fan since it came out and tried a few soccer games on it but I have to say it was finally PES that got me hooked on it: to all the FIFA fans out […]

Social Media Experiment

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OK so this is just a tiny experiment I’m trying to conduct — to prove how (ahem!) penetrative this social media is — so just retweet/re-facebook / whatever this and let’s see if it reaches any of the 2 girls in the photos and if it does, hopefully they get back to me. I’m not […]