Posts Tagged: apache

Adding Apache Commons CLI to your Java Project

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I’ve spent enough time dealing with Java programs to see enough ETL’s and other sorts of command-line based apps implemented in Java. And with these sort of programs came with the realization that more often than not developers opt for the “easy” way out and end up implementing command-line parsing by themselves. This seem to […]

Breaking into open source

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I read recently Shubheksha‘s blog post “A Beginnerโ€™s Very Bumpy Journey Through The World of Open Source” which describes her initial journeys into the open source world and reminded me a bit of some of my initial adventures into open source. (I even wrote a blog post ages ago — my goodness, literally ages ago […]

Issue with Jersey Multipart Libraries: Missing start boundary

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This one had me pulling my hairs off and going crazy trying to figure it out so I thought it deserves a space on my blog ๐Ÿ™‚ While it’s what it looks like a small fix, it turned out to be a b**ch in terms of googling for an answer as whatever combination of search […]

java code

Parallel Sorting in Java 8

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I started playing with Java 8 relatively recently (booo! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) — and going through the new features this JDK brought, I keep discovering things which I feel deserve more attention than they have been given. Sure, everyone is raving about the lambda expressions, try-with-resources and so on, but occasionally there are small additions that […]

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(Disappointing) Review of My Blog’s Traffic

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A while back I’ve boasted on this very blog about the amount of traffic it has reached — based on stats that I have pulled up from the Wassup WordPress Plugin. I have decided recently to have a closer look at the traffic — any blogger who’s taking himself seriously checks now and then on […]

Perf4J and Object Creation/Destroy

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If at any point in your coding life you had to measure some component performance, chances are that you came across Perf4J at some point. To quote from their own website: Perf4J is to System.currentTimeMillis() as log4j is to System.out.println() There are of course other ways to measure timings of components execution, however, I found […]

Server Migration

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Some of you might have noticed, some might not, but I finally got off my arse to migrate my domain to a proper hosting package. Gone are the days where I had 2 servers stuck under my desk at home — as much as I had fun X11-ing into my Linux boxes and adding […]

Data Validation inside a List

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Felt like sharing this, since there might be some other “dinosaurs” like myself (i.e. slow in their using the Apache Commons Collections) — and those guys might find this useful ๐Ÿ™‚ Occasionally you find yourself providing components that will be used by various modules in a project, and as such you have to employ strict […]