I saw this advert today on LinkedIn — I do check the site (and the app) a few times a day, so it doesn’t come as a surprise I guess — and made me think about employing a bit of psychology into advertising (something we tried to do back in time in Cognitive Match)… or […]
Posts Tagged: ctr
The Power of Technical Jargon
I recently had the chance to reflect over how important jargon can be when building a product and I thought I’d share my thoughts and findings here. A bit of history: a while back (quite a while back now) IĀ helped a small startup (let’s call them Green Media) which operated in digital marketing and online […]
Ad Viewability
Not long ago, Magnetic, the company I work for, released their whitepaper on ad viewability so I thought it necessary to share my thoughts on this rather new concept, which seems to be either misunderstood or completely missed by a lot of companies still. First of all, the whitepaper released by Magnetic and to which […]
Kontera: In Your Face And Not In-Text Advertising?
Just came across this from Kontera — another one of the ahem “in-text advertising leaders” alongside Vibrant Media and others — can these ads get more in your face than this? I mean, it’s bad enough for the in-text solutions the fact that they exploit the accidental hovers over their keywords, which I find quite […]
“I dont need advertising!”
I talked in my previous post about people who are self-proclaimed online advertising haters and touched there on the subject of the targeted and not targeted audience when it comes to online advertising. I felt the subject deserves a few more lines from me so here it is: I know a lot of you keep […]