Just spoke with an old Romanian friend of mine who told me this joke, which was famous in Romania during the “old times” and I thought I’d put it out here as it’s bloody hilarious. Quite likely “oldies” like me will laugh at this, but for the Romanian youngsters out there probably means nothing. Sic […]
Posts Tagged: joke
Prefect Ungur in Olt
Desi gluma e veche, uitasem complet de ea pana cand de curand am regasit-o in inbox-ul meu, trimisa de un amic. Am ras cu lacrimi toata ziua — si nu m-am putut abtine sa nu o pun pe blog. Nu stiu cat de mult poate fi asta tradus ca l-as traduce si in engleza, dar […]
Joke of the Day: Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar walks into a bar. “I’ll have a Martinus” he asks the bartender. The bartender looks at him puzzled: “Do you mean Martini???” “Look”, says Julius Caesar pissed off, “if I wanted a double, I would have asked for it!”