Radio Yerevan Joke

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romanian_flagJust spoke with an old Romanian friend of mine who told me this joke, which was famous in Romania during the “old times” and I thought I’d put it out here as it’s bloody hilarious. Quite likely “oldies” like me will laugh at this, but for the Romanian youngsters out there probably means nothing. Sic transit … so to speak 🙂 (As a heads-up, this is a Radio Yerevan joke.)

Radio Yerevan gets asked:

Is it true that comrade Stoianov won a family holiday including the airplane trip to New York, USA and back following your last week’s radio broadcast?

Radio Yerevan answers:

Yes, that is true, however, a few corrections since you haven’t got your facts quite right:

  • It wasn’t a a family holiday, it was just for him
  • And it wasn’t a holiday, it was just a trip
  • And it wasn’t to New York, it was to Moscow
  • And it wasn’t by plane, it was by bike
  • And finally: he didn’t win it, he lost it!

Thank you for your question!
