At the end of another tough week in Netflix I look back at what I have achieved and what has been challenging in achieving it. I do wonder what I do looks like from the outside and I can’t really see how someone would make sense of my job. I sit in front of 3 (sometimes more!) […]
Posts Tagged: Roman Empire
Of Romans and Cereals
This is the 3rd speech I delivered to Toastmasters and it’s part of Competent Communicator manual #3: “Get to the Point”. As a reminder, the objectives of the project are: clearly identifying your target objective: entertain, persuade, inform or inspire the audience maintain focus to achieve the target With that in mind, here’s the speech […]
It’s Emperor Trajan’s Fault
This is the 2nd Toastmasters speech I put together for the 2nd project: “Organize your speech”. As a reminder, the objectives for this speech, as outlined by the manual are: Select and appropriate outline which allows listeners to easily follow and understand your speech Make your message clear, with supporting material directly contributing to that […]