At Netflix, we made a name for ourselves for being a Java shop. A quick look at our Netflix OSS page on Github reveals a whole suite of projects all Java-based. However, apart from the Java projects that are going on in Netflix – and the JVM-based projects (we DO Groovy and Scala too!) – […]
Posts Tagged: scala
Of Advertising and Scaling Up
I have attended the other week a very interesting meetup – part of the “Scale Warriors of Silicon Valley” series (which by the way I highly recommend if you’re into that sort of “thing” – and chances are if you’re a developer in the Valley you are! 😉 ) – and as with everything I […]
About the Play! Framework and Their Thread Pooling
This is a rather interesting find and I’m still looking into it — so hopefully will come back with more insights on it — but I thought I’d publish these things as I find them. So bear with me as I unravel this mistery — as of right now, unless I’m looking in the wrong […]
Just a Thought: Tutorials and Twitter
This has come to my attention after looking at a few tutorials on various frameworks and technologies over the last 2-3 weeks or so. (As you might have learned, us, developers, look at “stuff” like this on a daily basis — since it’s still us, developers, who keep inventing new such “stuff” 🙂 ) Anyhoo […]
Of Java and Assembler
The title would no doubt puzzle quite a few of you — after all I’m putting in the same sentence a low-level, processor-specific language (for no better term for “assembler” — I know, I know, I know, “it’s not really a language”, right?) with a rather high-level, even platform-independent language like Java. So, right away […]