For those of you who haven’t heard about it yet, New Horizons is NASA’s mission to explore Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. The mission started back in January 2006 — and if you visit the mission’s site, the counters on the first page will tell you exactly, down to the very second, how long has […]
Monthly Archives: September 2006
Protect your online content
This has happened to me recently: Normally I check my webservers logs regularly — partly to find out whether my page views have increased (if only 🙂 ), partly to see where my visitors come from (and more importantly to make sure that I get other visitors than my friends 🙂 ), partly to see […]
Fonts for Web Designers
This one goes to the web designers out there (definitely not me then 🙂 lol): I found this nice collection of fonts that can be used freely on web pages. Check out — nice! Also, here is a good article on how to embed fonts in web pages. Hopefully the both of them will […]
Advertising, the Internet and Usability
If you are concerned with the usability of your site, you probably keep an eye like everyone else on Dr. Jakob Nielsen‘s site While I agree with (most of) his views, there is one aspect that I do not agree with entirely: advertising. If you read his article “Advertising Doesn’t Work on the Web“, […]
J2ME and GPRS Connections
I liked from the beginning the idea of mobile and embedded programming so I spent a lot of time on mobile and embedded programming (see the mobile section on my website). More specifically, I spent a lot of time doing J2ME stuff. Recently, as a lot of you might know, there is a new API […]
Just came across this brilliant piece of software (which, believe it or not IS actually free!) for those of you interested in astronomy: it shows the sky at night basically with all the starts, constellations and so on. To quote from the site: Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows […]
Women are from Venus…
Here’s an interesting fact folks: Venus (the planet) has a weird rotation pattern: its year is shorter than its day! So in other words it takes it more to spin around its own axis than it takes the planet to actually make a full rotation around the Sun in its own orbit. Now imagine venusians […]
Boiler Room
I watched the other day Boiler Room — interesting stuff, folks! Never-ever say YES to a trader who calls you on the phone out of the blue 🙂 lol
Open-source and
If like myself you are interested in the open-source community, you have probably saluted the start of a few years ago. I thought at the time it was a good idea and would make it so much easier for people to interact with each other and release projects for the open-source community so much […]
Interesting Coincidence
This one is quite funny: a friend of mine pointed out this blog site, which apparently comes in the search engines results if you look for “Liv’s Blog” : Livia Labate’s blog Mine apparently comes in about the 7th or 8th results page. lol