Monthly Archives: December 2011


Groovy Scripting at the Power of Commons CLI

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I’ve found myself more and more scripting stuff in Groovy — partly I’m guessing it’s cause of my Java background, partly because I’m probably not such a good bash/awk/perl/sed/etc script hacker 🙂 Nevertheless, make no mistakes, Groovy is an awesome scripting tool! (I’m not going to praise its benefits in terms of building applications — […]

System Console Support — JDK 1.6

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I’m sure some of you have found the need occasionally to use the “console” input/output support provided by the JDK via and System.out — if nothing else just to implement an occasional more complicated command-line “scripty” app to be run in a Linux environment and piped input in or out from/to another program. The […]

Dealing with Java Beans via Apache Bean Utils

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Ok some of you are probably already familiar with the Apache Commons‘ BeanUtils framework, so this might not come as a surprise, but I have just discovered recently a class which I found myself in the past implementing bits of, one way or another: the BeanMap class! I swear, when dealing with loading random properties […]

Vibrant Media Old London Office

This Is Where It Began…

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I tweeted this photo the other day as well but I thought it deserves a bit more than just a tweet — having just met up with some old ex-Vibrant Media colleagues, right in the neck of the woods where we all started from. For all of you ex-Vibrant Media (or still in Vibrant Media) […]