Monthly Archives: March 2016

Managing Project Dependencies with Gradle

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This is a set of slides that I’ve put together to showcase how we use Gradle in Netflix Ads Engineering to help with dependency management. It goes through multi-module project vs separate Gradle project per module, using properties file with Gradle to specify dependency versions and also how to use the Nebula gradle-dependency-lock to lock […]

Please Stop Using Thread.sleep() in Java!

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Ok, I need a good moan about this to the extent that it deserves its own blog post, but I had it with the bloody Thread.sleep() method in Java! I know it was the only way to “sleep” back in the day but seriously, but seriously, we have TimeUnit since JDK 1.5 — and nowadays […]

Issue with Jersey Multipart Libraries: Missing start boundary

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This one had me pulling my hairs off and going crazy trying to figure it out so I thought it deserves a space on my blog 🙂 While it’s what it looks like a small fix, it turned out to be a b**ch in terms of googling for an answer as whatever combination of search […]

Frantic WordPress Theme — Update

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OK, so I’ve decided perhaps it’s time I give my blog’s look a refresh. I looked around and found this WordPress theme called Frantic on WordPress theme website: It had the right look I was after but was missing one tiny thing — a “footer sidebar”. Previously I was using the Intrepidity WordPress theme […]

Tales From Ole’ Romania: TV

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Yet another post in the series about pre-1989 Romania. Now that I started publishing some of these, I became more self-aware when I get asked questions randomly about my past — and they stick with me and if the question pops up more than once I end up writing these posts. One such question encountered […]