Monthly Archives: June 2016

My Thoughts on Brexit

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I have been following closely the Brexit referendum in the UK — I’m sure it comes as no surprise to those of you who know me. Because I am Romanian. And I am British. And I live in USA. And I care! I have followed the news online and listening to the likes of LBC […]

Java Map and Subtleties of getOrDefault vs computeIfAbsent

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I wrote recently about the new niceties in the Map interface that Java 8 brought to light where I’m highlighting in particular 2 new methods: getOrDefault and computeIfAbsent (see my previous post here about it). These provide a cleaner (and as it turns out faster too!) way of retrieving values from a Map instance. However, […]

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi…

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If you don’t know your Latin by the way, the above translates to “Thus passes the glory of the world” (see this wikipedia page too). More than 4 years ago I crossed the Atlantic from London, UK and based myself in California, with a small startup, Cognitive Match, that came out of London and expanded into […]

Java 8 — Map and the Unknown “Niceties”

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Despite Java 9 making its way into the real world nowadays, I see a lot of Java code out there still relying on the old-style Java 6-like syntax. And I’m not talking about the usage of lambda’s, stream’s and the likes, but rather some of the improvements Java 8 brought to existing classes in the […]

tunein radio

TuneIn Advertising — Highlight

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Working in advertising, you’d think I have my ad blocker on 24/7 — but I don’t! 🙂 And the reason for it is because I am curious what other companies are doing in this space so while I am quite likely not the main target for their advertising messages, I am very very interested to […]

American Airlines

Of Customer Service — American Airlines (AA) Style

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I am saddened to have to write this blog post — I don’t like taking space on my blog for complaining about companies! But in this case I feel it’s needed — and I would like to hear from others who had similar issues with this airline and find out how they dealt with it […]

Jamaica — May/2016

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Yet another awesome holiday — first time ever in Jamaica in Montego Bay. And also first time swimming with dolphins!!! woohoo! some more (and grainy) photos from the resort: and a short video from the pool: