As some of you know, I’ve spent recently a few months in Dubai. While there, thanks to the friends I made there and thanks to the Endeavor network I came in contact with a lot of local tech companies and startups. The techie in me was very curious about the ecosystem so I had quite […]
API World Conference 2018
I’ve tweeted enough about this during the conference itself so you would have seen all of these images before, but if you want a “no subtitles” image-only version here it is — going through the images they actually do tell a story themselves to be fair! Many thanks to Hilton hotel San Jose for hosting […]
The eternal issue about Object.hashCode() in Java
Have you heard of hashCode() and equals() in Java and the eternal discussions around this? And you know by now the implications of having a messed up relationship in between hashCode and equals so you make sure every time you implement a class with an equals() you have to make sure hashCode() follows suit right? […]
Parallel RxJava and Spock Oddity
I use RxJava a lot nowadays — back in the day before I joined Netflix I was struggling with it a bit and mostly watched from the sideline but nowadays I find myself pulling in that dependency in a lot of the Java code I’m writing. And I also use the Spock framework a lot […]
Interesting Java Jersey + RxJava finding
It so happens that in a few of the apps I work on here in Netflix we use Jersey libraries inside a Tomcat container. As such I use the JSR annotations a lot safe in the knowledge that Jersey will take care of all the plumbing work and deal with routing and serialization/deserialization so I […]
Anti-pattern for testing RxJava code
This is an obvious one but I find myself so often using it and every single time it means I have to spend extra time debugging my test / code until I realize that I’ve fallen for the same mistake again. I’m using RxJava here and using Groovy and Spock framework for testing — and […]
About composition and delegation in the Groovy language
When dealing with OOP languages, composition over inheritance has been the preferred approach for a while now as it offers a greater flexibility in most cases. Before you start, I’m not going to get into that dispute whether one should opt for inheritance or not, enough to say that there are cases where composition is […]
Little-known yet useful Java annotation: ConstructorProperties
I’ve discovered this recently while looking into some issues caused by the Jackson libraries in one of my Java applications. If you use Jackson I’m sure you are by now familiar with some of the annotation they supply — such as @JsonProperty and @JsonCreator — and it was dealing with these that got me to […]
Delivering a marketing site in the context of your product
I see this issue popping up ever so often with startups I either work with/for or advise (nowadays) and it’s a valid one and I’ve encountered it often enough that I feel it deserves at least a blog post from me. (Realistically, I can see this growing into a series as there are a lot […]
Netflix Ads Engineering Offsite — 28-June-2017
Sailing in Santa Cruz — woohoo!!!