I’ve come across this recently working on a project in Netflix and thought worth sharing. The project I was dealing with packages some JavaScript code which, before deployment, needed to be minified. We have set up our Jenkins task such that it polls Git for changes in the master branch and when the changes are […]
Posts Tagged: bandwidth
RMISockFactory — New Open Source Project Started on SourceForge
I thought I’d post this on my blog as well since this seems to get a lot of attention nowadays (it certainly seems to get a lot of visitors!). I just started a new open-source project on SourceForge.net — I know you github fans will jump at my throat for using sf.net and not github, […]
Optimize the Download Speed of a Web Page: CSS
Since I’m going through the old website and resurrecting pages which seem to be still sought after by visitors to my website (I can tell this based on search engines terms they use and what they search for then on my website), I’ve come across this old one, talking about optimizing the loading speed of […]
Bandwidth – reloaded
I’ve posted before about bandwidth in my posts and I knew from the beginning that it’s one of those issues that you can never exhaust. As it happens recently I came across another interesting thing which is probably worth sharing: cross browser delivery. In brief, it means delivering to each browser the content it can […]
“I hate advertising!”
Maybe due to the fact that I have been involved throughout the last few years of my life in online advertising, or maybe because of the nature of the people I come in contact with frequently but the above phrase has become a common occurrence in daily conversations. I bet some of you reading this […]
How good is your hosting?
I’ve seen so many adverts lately online for various hosting packages and co-locaton offers, data centre and so on, each one of them claiming to be the best there is thus raising the question: which one is the best really? While beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, the answer is always relative […]
Programming for bandwidth
Just like many others I do keep an eye on the technical articles and blogs that are out there on the net. I’d like to think that most of the ones I’m reading are quite authoritative on some areas of programming and present some useful insights into the world of IT. Even so, I am […]