I have been a CTO myself a few times and worked for some of the greats (and learned!) so I get asked often about what are the traits of a good CTO, be it by the companies I’m advising privately and also through Endeavor mentorship sessions. If you are a co-founder looking for a CTO […]
Posts Tagged: CTO
The Problem with the C-level Exec Who’s Leaving
There has been recently increased attention in the media for Uber, after the blog post from Susan Fowler about her terrible (probably a mild term here, I agree) experience while at Uber — and even more so as of today their SVP of engineering stepping down after sexual harassment allegations during his previous job at […]
The Job That Never Was
It’s interesting what LinkedIn can reveal sometimes to me. Every time I log in and have a look I get a huge stream of updates from friends, old colleagues and people I’m connected to — nothing new there, this is a common pattern in social media nowadays. Sometimes I see certain connections changing jobs and […]
(Don’t) Blame the Techie
I’m a techie by trade, I’m sure you figured that out from the sort of things I blog about here. As such, I do get rubbed up the wrong way when I hear of so many companies complaining on a regular basis about their technical team. It’s either because they don’t deliver on time. Or […]
Small Business or Startup?
I had an interesting discussion recently with a friend of mine about titles and terminology used nowadays in business, and it prompted me to continue my trail of thoughts on this on my blog. We talked about how a lot of companies label themselves rather proudly as startups — an idea which my friend was […]
Embrace the Change
I’m starting a new job tomorrow. Finally, it came to that time to leave behind Cognitive Match / Magnetic and take on a new challenge. This change and the implications it has on various levels in my life got me thinking. There are a lot of unknowns ahead of me and a lot of challenges […]
Flat Structure
I see this a lot nowadays — and I’m sure it’s not just me who notices it: every other job advert you see out there, or every other company seems to pride themselves nowadays with “practicing a flat structure”. Apparently, this is supposed to improve efficiency and motivation, according to their own bragging. I’m talking […]