Posts Tagged: magnetic

Embrace the Change

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I’m starting a new job tomorrow. Finally, it came to that time to leave behind Cognitive Match / Magnetic and take on a new challenge. This change and the implications it has on various levels in my life got me thinking. There are a lot of unknowns ahead of me and a lot of challenges […]

Ad Viewability

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Not long ago, Magnetic, the company I work for, released their whitepaper on ad viewability so I thought it necessary to share my thoughts on this rather new concept, which seems to be either misunderstood or completely missed by a lot of companies still. First of all, the whitepaper released by Magnetic and to which […]

Cognitive Match Acquired by Magnetic

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It has been going for a while now but finally everything fell into place and as such it is already making the news on the net 🙂 As of this week, Cognitive Match has been acquired by Magnetic! TechCrunch has already covered this and you can read the full story here: . There is […]

Cognitive Match — The Reunion

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I’ve mentioned Cognitive Match got acquired by Magnetic recently — which, along with a whole lot of other interesting developments, gave the old Cognitive Match team finally the chance to get reunited under one roof. And here’s the photos — which I’m sure will make history 😉

network pc monitors

CDN — The Basics — Part 3

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We looked in the previous post in these series on how to employ multiple load balancers to scale out your web app, however, so far the multiple load balancers were only used in a live/stand-by scenario, such as at any moment in time only one load balancer was active, while the other(s) were on standby, […]