I’ve had a go recently at looking at Spring Boot OAuth2 and how easy it is implementing a sign in with Microsoft using OAUTH2. My findings were surprising and justified I think this blog post. More importantly I think it explains why Microsoft has such little “pull” with developers nowadays. (Sure they are trying to […]
Posts Tagged: security
Fixing aws-maven Issue with “Access Denied”
I’ve been using the aws-maven plugin for a while now to deploy Maven artifacts to S3. Typically I’ll use the Maven Archiver plugin to package the projects in some sort of tarball then use aws-maven to upload this to S3. From there on regardless of the deployment tools I use on our production servers I […]
Product Idea — Online Bank Identity
Here’s another idea that came to me last night when I was doing my online banking: being a British expat in USA, and still having a couple of UK credit cards and a bank account, I use their online facilities a lot (for transferring money around, paying my credit cards etc.). I have a UK […]
RMISockFactory — New Open Source Project Started on SourceForge
I thought I’d post this on my blog as well since this seems to get a lot of attention nowadays (it certainly seems to get a lot of visitors!). I just started a new open-source project on SourceForge.net — I know you github fans will jump at my throat for using sf.net and not github, […]
Automating iptables on Debian Linux
It’s interesting to dwell occasionally into researching how people are reaching my blog and what are they looking for when they do so. As you have seen so recently I have brought back a few old articles that seem to have triggered the attention of some people on the net — at least that’s what […]
Protect your online content
This has happened to me recently: Normally I check my webservers logs regularly — partly to find out whether my page views have increased (if only 🙂 ), partly to see where my visitors come from (and more importantly to make sure that I get other visitors than my friends 🙂 ), partly to see […]
About Web Servers Security
A few weeks ago I was talking to an old friend of mine who finally decided to take advantage of his fast broadband and have a little personal site “hosted” at home, over the broadband link. (Due to the fact that I’m gonna give away some details about his hardware and software setup, I decided […]