I’m a techie by trade, I’m sure you figured that out from the sort of things I blog about here. As such, I do get rubbed up the wrong way when I hear of so many companies complaining on a regular basis about their technical team. It’s either because they don’t deliver on time. Or […]
Posts Tagged: social media
Wanted: Creative Software Engineer
A while back, LinkedIn included me in the exclusive group of people who are allowed to have their own blog hosted on LinkedIn 🙂 As such, I got an invite from LinkedIn to start creating my first post. I stared at that email for ages I think (at least a couple of months) before I […]
Social Media Experiment
OK so this is just a tiny experiment I’m trying to conduct — to prove how (ahem!) penetrative this social media is — so just retweet/re-facebook / whatever this and let’s see if it reaches any of the 2 girls in the photos and if it does, hopefully they get back to me. I’m not […]
Klout Report: I like my beer :)
I had doubts in the past about whether my consumption of beer is getting worrying or not. I always managed to tell myself though that “it’s ok, nothing to worry about”. Until today, when out of curiosity I have checked out my Klout report — based from what I could tell on my Twittering. Well […]