I started playing with Java 8 relatively recently (booo! 🙂 ) — and going through the new features this JDK brought, I keep discovering things which I feel deserve more attention than they have been given. Sure, everyone is raving about the lambda expressions, try-with-resources and so on, but occasionally there are small additions that […]
Posts Tagged: stats
Couchbase Graph/Stats Problem?
This is just something that we found recently in Cognitive Match and I thought it might help others who use Couchbase as a NoSQL store, and rely on some of their (otherwise awesome!) graphs, as it seems these can be occasionally misleading — though this is probably an edge case. A bit of background: we […]
8,000+ Page Views a Month!
Back in February/2012, I’ve hit 3,000+ page views a month — big milestone for a small blog like this, I’m sure you’ll all agree! It appears traffic has been on the way up though, as my latest look at the Wassup stats reveals over 8,000 page views for the last month! And that is, as […]
3,000+ Page Views a Month!
In case you haven’t guessed it, yup, I’m talking about this very blog hitting a new milestone and hitting over 3,000 page views a month! I know this doesn’t sound like much for a “serious” website, but for something like this blog it IS a lot! Even more so as a lot more of the […]