One way an attacker might try to crash your machine is to exploit the process quota — more specifically to exploit the fact that a process quota is not set. The process quota defines an upper limit for the number of processes a user can run at any moment in time. If this is not, […]
Monthly Archives: October 2011
Implementing Squirrel Mail Autocomplete Plugin under Mozilla Firefox
For the heavy SquirrelMail users, you are without a doubt using your address book a lot! (Unless you have a really good memory and can remember by heart any email address in your address book! Personally I can’t! 🙂 And if you do, you might have contemplated using the Autocomplete Plugin for SquirrelMail, which does […]
Customizing Squirrel Mail Login Page
For those of you who are using SquirrelMail, you might have noticed that it looks a bit well, let’s just say amateurish 🙂 That doesn’t go to say it isn’t a good package! (I personally love it and I think it does a pretty good job — hence my additions to this software.) However, as […]
Implications of Using XPath on Speed
This is something that I have discovered recently looking through some (old) code — and it occurred to me that XPath is so powerful and easy to use that quite often programmers might forget the price paid for something this powerful. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying XPath is worthless (on the contrary!), if […]
Eastern Europe to the Untrained (Read “Ignorant”) Eye
This morning on the way to Heathrow I couldn’t help overhearing a conversation going on in between 2 (what they thought they were) “proper Londoners” about the “invasion of Eastern Europe”. It went upon the lines of how these bloody Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Romanian came and took over London and that’s not right. Coincidentally, […]
I’m a Pretty Good Software Engineer, Me! :D
As some of you know it, there’s been recent discussion about my moving to Silicon Valley. I won’t bore you with the details of what and how and when, but 2 of my colleagues, Rowan Jacobson and Denis Lowe are in the same boat. So being the absolute ejits we are and not having a […]
AppNexus Webinar on Scalability — Part 1
Mike Nolet of AppNexus started a 2-part webinar on scaling their advertising business and I am glad I followed the first part (and I will definitely be there for the 2nd part!) as some interesting things came out of that. (As a note, for those who are interested, Mike has more details on internet advertising […]
WassUp for WordPress
It’s not often I big up WordPress plugins or extensions, but this one caught my eye: WassUp. I’ve just installed it on my blog a couple of days ago and I am utterly impressed with what this little thing can do! I have got access to my website stats aggregated via awstats and webalizer, however, […]
Quality Job Targeting on LinkedIn
Today seems to be my “funny things I see on the web” day — I just logged into LinkedIn to be targeted in the job section with an interesting one: a job offer from Vibrant Media (who I worked for till a few years ago): If that job is based on my previous jobs […]
Joe Bloggs and Google
So I keep being amazed every day by top search results in Google — obviously generated by Joe (Dumbass) Bloggs 🙂 This occurred to me today when I was trying to search for running certain scripts in bash (Linux) and I ended up typing just “how to r” — and this is what good ole’ […]