Monthly Archives: May 2015

Tales from Ole’ Romania: Bucharest ID

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I decided to continue my short (so far) series on “tales from pre-1989 Romania” as it seems my posts so far triggered quite a few reactions. Mostly, I gathered from the folks in the Western world, curiosity. It appears that my readers want to know more about some of these (really odd) things that back […]

The Job That Never Was

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It’s interesting what LinkedIn can reveal sometimes to me. Every time I log in and have a look I get a huge stream of updates from friends, old colleagues and people I’m connected to — nothing new there, this is a common pattern in social media nowadays. Sometimes I see certain connections changing jobs and […]

Radio Yerevan Joke

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Just spoke with an old Romanian friend of mine who told me this joke, which was famous in Romania during the “old times” and I thought I’d put it out here as it’s bloody hilarious. Quite likely “oldies” like me will laugh at this, but for the Romanian youngsters out there probably means nothing. Sic […]


Cobertura Issue with Ignoring Annotated Methods

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I’ve decided to plug in Cobertura in (some) of my projects to have an idea on the unit test/code coverage going on. I use Gradle, so I started looking at the Cobertura Gradle plugin. It turns out it’s pretty good — and offers a lot of the functionality that I needed. However, I came across […]

@TupleConstructor in Groovy Language

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I find myself nowadays mixing a lot of JVM languages: I write a lot of “core” code in Java, as I prefer the verbosity of it somehow, but then I find myself a lot of times I just need a lot of utilities or “quickies” around this code — be it for unit testing purposes […]

Small Yet So Costly Java Mistake

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OK so I felt like I needed to share this code with “the world” as I think it’s a good example of a few things: first of all nobody’s perfect — I know you read that in my website tag line 🙂 but yeah nobody’s perfect… sadly, in this instance, myself included 🙂 secondly, it […]

Gradle Multi-Project Issue with Checkstyle

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I have encountered this with Gradle recently and I have struggled to find right away a solution to the issue — it took a bit of reading (more) about Gradle, Checkstyle and some digging in until I found the (rather simple) solution. So I thought I’d post it here for others to hopefully find this […]