At the end of another tough week in Netflix I look back at what I have achieved and what has been challenging in achieving it. I do wonder what I do looks like from the outside and I can’t really see how someone would make sense of my job. I sit in front of 3 (sometimes more!) […]
Posts Tagged: aws
Start Your Own Open Source Project using SourceForge
It’s interesting what one can find when cleaning up an old laptop before dumping it 🙂 Old photos that I’ve long forgotten of (some embarrassing ones too, omg the haircuts I supported throughout the time! :D), snippets of code back from the day when technology X was just coming out of its stables and I […]
Using the Netflix Genie Client in Java
Ok, so if you haven’t been watching my activity on GitHub you might have missed this, and as such I feel it deserves a full on blog post. Recently, having joined Netflix, I started using some of their libraries, as to be expected. One of the things that I used pretty much from day one […]
Storing Lists Using Evernote — via API
I’ve been playing for a while with Evernote and their API, which I find rather simple and effective (well done, guys!) — and as such on a few pet projects I have started considering moving the storage to Evernote itself. The beauty of using Evernote is that the storage is already structured for you in […]
S3 Utility on
Only a day after I’ve published the S3 utility for buckets with versioning enabled, I took the time finally to put this on SourceForge — woohoo! Still early stages, as I still need to figure out really how to properly release versions into their file system, but as it stands right now at least there […]
Utility for Version-Enabled AWS S3 Buckets
OK, Amazon, I have to tell you something: you dropped the ball a bit on this one! I absolutely love AWS and every day I seem to find something new about them (though, granted, not sure if that says something about the innovation in Amazon or it says something about my ignorance!?). However, having used […]
melovesvideos Goes Live!
About 2 weeks or so ago, Amazon launched their Elastic Transcoder and at the time this has captured my attention right away — to the point where I had to go and add it to my AWS account and try it for myself. Regardless of anything else, that is an amazing tool and Amazon did […]