First of all please notice the title of this post: Engineering Marketing — and not Marketing Engineering! (I do work currently in Ads Engineering in Netflix, which deals as you would expect with Marketing Engineering, in other words engineering solutions to support our digital marketing efforts.) Point being that this post is about marketing engineering […]
Posts Tagged: blog
Breaking into open source
I read recently Shubheksha‘s blog post “A Beginner’s Very Bumpy Journey Through The World of Open Source” which describes her initial journeys into the open source world and reminded me a bit of some of my initial adventures into open source. (I even wrote a blog post ages ago — my goodness, literally ages ago […]
What’s the Point in Having This Blog?
I remember a while back I was headhunted by a (tech) company and the initial discussions went rather well so I decided to accept their invitation to go to their office for a more in-depth interview discussion. While meeting one of their team members the discussion came up about how do I keep myself up […]
Wanted: Creative Software Engineer
A while back, LinkedIn included me in the exclusive group of people who are allowed to have their own blog hosted on LinkedIn 🙂 As such, I got an invite from LinkedIn to start creating my first post. I stared at that email for ages I think (at least a couple of months) before I […]
New Blog Layout and New Intrepidity Theme Changes
So I’ve bitten the bullet finally, and changed my blog layout. For those of you repeated visitors I’m sure you noticed, for the rest of you who are new to my site, it’s worth saying that the old theme has been on my blog since its inception — which is a few good years back, […]
Updates Services / WordPress
OK so for a while I’ve been keeping an eye on who and what and how indexes my blog, trying, like all the other bloggers out there to get a bit more “traction” (I looooove Silicon Valley slang 😉 ) for my blog. Part of this, is not just relying on the standard Google or […]
Server Migration
Some of you might have noticed, some might not, but I finally got off my arse to migrate my domain to a proper hosting package. Gone are the days where I had 2 servers stuck under my desk at home — as much as I had fun X11-ing into my Linux boxes and adding […]
Underground blogger
Ok so I’m on the tube just finished my previous blog post and sent it (ok had to wait till I had some signal bit that’s a minor detail) and as I look around I see these 3 chicks (call them “girls” for no better term :p) looking at me. In fact they’ve been kind […]
Why do I blog so much?
I’ve been prompted recently by a few with regards to my recent blog entries as it became apparent that I’m blogging a lot and very often recently. It’s not because all of a sudden I find myself with so much more time on my hands – if anything my schedule has become busier nowadays! – […]