The title would no doubt puzzle quite a few of you — after all I’m putting in the same sentence a low-level, processor-specific language (for no better term for “assembler” — I know, I know, I know, “it’s not really a language”, right?) with a rather high-level, even platform-independent language like Java. So, right away […]
Posts Tagged: intellitxt
Advertising or Information?
This goes out to all you ad skeptics out there who bang on about how useless the internet advertising is and how it should be banned / destroyed / 101’d etc: it is sad that not often advertising is delivered as a complement to the content being viewed, and as such it doesn’t come across […]
This Is Where It Began…
I tweeted this photo the other day as well but I thought it deserves a bit more than just a tweet — having just met up with some old ex-Vibrant Media colleagues, right in the neck of the woods where we all started from. For all of you ex-Vibrant Media (or still in Vibrant Media) […]
Quality Job Targeting on LinkedIn
Today seems to be my “funny things I see on the web” day — I just logged into LinkedIn to be targeted in the job section with an interesting one: a job offer from Vibrant Media (who I worked for till a few years ago): If that job is based on my previous jobs […]
Kontera: In Your Face And Not In-Text Advertising?
Just came across this from Kontera — another one of the ahem “in-text advertising leaders” alongside Vibrant Media and others — can these ads get more in your face than this? I mean, it’s bad enough for the in-text solutions the fact that they exploit the accidental hovers over their keywords, which I find quite […]
Leaving IntelliTXT…
I haven’t updated this blog in a while nor have I been checking emails on the domain account and it appears Murphy’s law applies in such cases — as I had indeed one email asking about the WordPress plugin for IntelliTXT which has been sitting in my inbox for about a week now. Should […]
WordPress IntelliTXT Plugin
Checkout my fresh IntelliTXT tags served by Vibrant Media‘s WordPress/IntelliTXT plugin! For your ordinary user, of course, there is no difference, as the see IntelliTXT as before — however! If you ever got stuck inside WordPress and tried to go through all the PHP files (oh, and the themes, and the plugins!) to try to […]
Advertising, the Internet and Usability
If you are concerned with the usability of your site, you probably keep an eye like everyone else on Dr. Jakob Nielsen‘s site While I agree with (most of) his views, there is one aspect that I do not agree with entirely: advertising. If you read his article “Advertising Doesn’t Work on the Web“, […]