Posts Tagged: jobs

The Job That Never Was

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It’s interesting what LinkedIn can reveal sometimes to me. Every time I log in and have a look I get a huge stream of updates from friends, old colleagues and people I’m connected to — nothing new there, this is a common pattern in social media nowadays. Sometimes I see certain connections changing jobs and […]

(More) Idiotic Recruitment

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I’ve posted before about idiotic recruitment and having had some time to organise (read delete) some of my LinkedIn emails I came across this old one. So I decided that I’m going to start posting here every single bit of idiotic recruitment emails I’m getting — if there are people occasionally reading this then they’ll […]

The big guns

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This is just something that has been the subject of many discussions in between myself and various friends of mine for a while now so I thought I’d summarize some of these into a post – if nothing else just to remind myself a few years down the line what I used to think about […]