It’s interesting what LinkedIn can reveal sometimes to me. Every time I log in and have a look I get a huge stream of updates from friends, old colleagues and people I’m connected to — nothing new there, this is a common pattern in social media nowadays. Sometimes I see certain connections changing jobs and […]
Posts Tagged: jobs
About Life, Universe and Everything…Including Recruiting!
OK, if you never read Douglas Adams‘ work, then the above title might read odd for you — to say the least! On the other hand though, if “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is familiar to you then you gathered by now where I’m coming from. (And even if you don’t, read on — […]
Quality Job Targeting on LinkedIn
Today seems to be my “funny things I see on the web” day — I just logged into LinkedIn to be targeted in the job section with an interesting one: a job offer from Vibrant Media (who I worked for till a few years ago): If that job is based on my previous jobs […]
(More) Idiotic Recruitment
I’ve posted before about idiotic recruitment and having had some time to organise (read delete) some of my LinkedIn emails I came across this old one. So I decided that I’m going to start posting here every single bit of idiotic recruitment emails I’m getting — if there are people occasionally reading this then they’ll […]
The big guns
This is just something that has been the subject of many discussions in between myself and various friends of mine for a while now so I thought I’d summarize some of these into a post – if nothing else just to remind myself a few years down the line what I used to think about […]