OK, I’m arriving a bit late to the discussion about browsers beginning to block 3rd party cookies by default, however, I was on the fence of this initially. And more to the point, I thought this would be just a trend that will come and go — but it seems that I was rather wrong […]
Posts Tagged: vibrant media
About Life, Universe and Everything…Including Recruiting!
OK, if you never read Douglas Adams‘ work, then the above title might read odd for you — to say the least! On the other hand though, if “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is familiar to you then you gathered by now where I’m coming from. (And even if you don’t, read on — […]
Of Java and Assembler
The title would no doubt puzzle quite a few of you — after all I’m putting in the same sentence a low-level, processor-specific language (for no better term for “assembler” — I know, I know, I know, “it’s not really a language”, right?) with a rather high-level, even platform-independent language like Java. So, right away […]
Advertising or Information?
This goes out to all you ad skeptics out there who bang on about how useless the internet advertising is and how it should be banned / destroyed / 101’d etc: it is sad that not often advertising is delivered as a complement to the content being viewed, and as such it doesn’t come across […]
This Is Where It Began…
I tweeted this photo the other day as well but I thought it deserves a bit more than just a tweet — having just met up with some old ex-Vibrant Media colleagues, right in the neck of the woods where we all started from. For all of you ex-Vibrant Media (or still in Vibrant Media) […]
AppNexus Webinar on Scalability — Part 1
Mike Nolet of AppNexus started a 2-part webinar on scaling their advertising business and I am glad I followed the first part (and I will definitely be there for the 2nd part!) as some interesting things came out of that. (As a note, for those who are interested, Mike has more details on internet advertising […]
Quality Job Targeting on LinkedIn
Today seems to be my “funny things I see on the web” day — I just logged into LinkedIn to be targeted in the job section with an interesting one: a job offer from Vibrant Media (who I worked for till a few years ago): If that job is based on my previous jobs […]
Kontera: In Your Face And Not In-Text Advertising?
Just came across this from Kontera — another one of the ahem “in-text advertising leaders” alongside Vibrant Media and others — can these ads get more in your face than this? I mean, it’s bad enough for the in-text solutions the fact that they exploit the accidental hovers over their keywords, which I find quite […]
“I hate advertising!”
Maybe due to the fact that I have been involved throughout the last few years of my life in online advertising, or maybe because of the nature of the people I come in contact with frequently but the above phrase has become a common occurrence in daily conversations. I bet some of you reading this […]
Leaving IntelliTXT…
I haven’t updated this blog in a while nor have I been checking emails on the liviutudor.com domain account and it appears Murphy’s law applies in such cases — as I had indeed one email asking about the WordPress plugin for IntelliTXT which has been sitting in my inbox for about a week now. Should […]