OK so I’ve got myself a while back a Samsung Galaxy Gear watch and set it all up to connect to my Samsung Galaxy S3 and all that stuff — and as you recall, I’ve actually published a post about software upgrades and what-not needed to actually get to install the right stuff and get […]
Posts Tagged: wassup
(Disappointing) Review of My Blog’s Traffic
A while back I’ve boasted on this very blog about the amount of traffic it has reached — based on stats that I have pulled up from the Wassup WordPress Plugin. I have decided recently to have a closer look at the traffic — any blogger who’s taking himself seriously checks now and then on […]
8,000+ Page Views a Month!
Back in February/2012, I’ve hit 3,000+ page views a month — big milestone for a small blog like this, I’m sure you’ll all agree! It appears traffic has been on the way up though, as my latest look at the Wassup stats reveals over 8,000 page views for the last month! And that is, as […]
3,000+ Page Views a Month!
In case you haven’t guessed it, yup, I’m talking about this very blog hitting a new milestone and hitting over 3,000 page views a month! I know this doesn’t sound like much for a “serious” website, but for something like this blog it IS a lot! Even more so as a lot more of the […]
The Sad State of Banking
OK, I’ll give you the fact that this is a pretty bold title! I’m not going to talk about the state of banks per se though, why are they struggling in the current climate and/or falling over — I am simply going to talk about the way the banks employees feel about working there (I […]
WassUp for WordPress
It’s not often I big up WordPress plugins or extensions, but this one caught my eye: WassUp. I’ve just installed it on my blog a couple of days ago and I am utterly impressed with what this little thing can do! I have got access to my website stats aggregated via awstats and webalizer, however, […]