Just as I thought I’m done with the blog, I’ve discovered that TwitSuite seems to do what Twitter Updater does as well, so I’ve disabled the Twitter Updater for now (sorry!) and let’s see if instead the TwitSuite tweets this on my Twitter…
Just as I thought I’m done with the blog, I’ve discovered that TwitSuite seems to do what Twitter Updater does as well, so I’ve disabled the Twitter Updater for now (sorry!) and let’s see if instead the TwitSuite tweets this on my Twitter…
Ooops! Trying that gave me this when I published the above post:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/TweetSuite/TweetSuite.php on line 1006
Ouch! So I’ve disabled the auto-twitter facility in TwitSuite and now re-enabled the Twitter Updater and guess what? Yup, I haven’t got the Settings page for Twitter Updater anymore — fantastic! 😀
Damn it, I’m so silly — that was because it appears under Tools -> Twitter Updater d’oh! 🙂