I finally decided was about time to go to Disneyland, with Los Angeles being so close and all that. Super excited about the whole thing, I downloaded the app, I did a bit of research (and decided to go to Disneyland and save California Adventures for another time) and set off to buy tickets. And I […]
Posts Tagged: mobile app
App Idea — About.Me
I have been using for a while the about.me website and their mobile app Intro by about.me. (I use an Android phone, and as such I am supplying here the link to the Google Play appstore, however I’m sure they have an iOS one too you’ll have to search in the App Store for it.) For […]
Product Idea — Uber in Hotels?
I stumbled upon this potential idea recently, when one of my friends from Romania was over here for a conference. His company was paying for his trip expenses and they put him up in a hotel in Redwood City as it turns out. As you do when you travel, you try and connect with old […]
Mobile Advertising Is Still Where Web Advertising Was in the 90’s
I wrote before about how bad occasionally mobile advertising gets nowadays (see this blog post here). That was about 6 months ago — and I was hoping things started to change in the meanwhile. (After all, in the Valley we hear a lot about how quickly the world changes, right? :D) Well, it appears not […]
Of TripIt And Their Business Model
This is somewhere in between a question and an idea for TripIt — definitely not a moan! as I am rather enjoying the FREE service they are providing to me right now 🙂 Truth being told, if they read this and they decide to go with my idea, I guess I’ll get a lot of […]
Product Idea — Get Me My Coffee Faster, Starbucks!
It won’t come as a surprise to those of you who know me that I am terrible in the morning — however, for those of you who don’t, it’s worth stating this upfront, so you can gather the context this idea came to me better. I am definitely terrible in the morning, whether it’s because […]
J2ME Convertor Application
Yet another resurrected (old) J2ME application from my old website. I couldn’t actually find the original page for this, just the zip file with all the sources for this and the compiled version.So you might have to figure this one by yourself I’m afraid! If (and that is a big “if” at the moment unfortunately!) […]
J2ME StopWatch Application
This is another resurrect from my old website — again, it seems people are visiting my site looking for this (old) J2ME application. Please be aware that I haven’t updated this application in ages — it was known to run last time I checked, but that was a while back. I suspect as such it’s […]