These are actually pretty awesome — taken by my parents, after the sea has trashed the coast it seems, in Constanta, Romania:
Monthly Archives: February 2012
Cute Birthday Wishes
So for those of you who didn’t know, I turned 37 this year (no, seriously!). And little Sarah send me one of the best cards I got — now that I find myself on the wrong side of 35 🙂 Awww, bless! 🙂
SimpleDateFormat and Multiple Threads
I felt like I had to write this to spread the word a bit more about this little-known danger of one of the JDK classes: SimpleDateFormat. Used quite widely from what I can tell — who hasn’t written something like this: SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(); df.format( new Date() );SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(); df.format( […]
California, 2011
Since I’m in the process of (finally!) organizing my photos, I found these ones that I never got to upload — from last year (2011) on a business trip with Denis Lowe and Rowan Jacobson: at the time Cognitive Match was just opening their offices in Palo Alto so we turned up for 2 weeks […]
Kirkwood, Tahoe, 11-Feb-2012
Yet another weekend of snowboarding in Tahoe — Kirkwood this time! Luckily, Denis was not around to capture any of my falls — so you get just some pictures of the snow 🙂
And on the subject of USA/UK, here’s an interesting comparison — this is what my garden looked like back in London: Astonishingly, despite popular belief, these pictures were actually taken in January (2012) — and yes, it was a (slightly) sunny day! Though bloody cold 🙂 And here’s the Tudor “residence”, at Oakwood, in Mountain […]
Not Quite USA but…
This is a long-forgotten picture which I just found in my phone — can’t believe I missed it till now! Even though I’m in California now and this looks like a proper old-style American car, this was NOT taken in America! In fact it was taken in London, before I left for USA, around Battersea […]
Snow in Constanta, Romania — 22/Jan/2012
And since I’m on the subject of snow, here’s a few photos which I should have put up a couple of weeks ago — my hometown in full winter: 22/Jan/2012:
Snow in London — Feb/2012
I missed the snow in London this year it seems, but Sarah made sure I got a bit of it 🙂
3,000+ Page Views a Month!
In case you haven’t guessed it, yup, I’m talking about this very blog hitting a new milestone and hitting over 3,000 page views a month! I know this doesn’t sound like much for a “serious” website, but for something like this blog it IS a lot! Even more so as a lot more of the […]